Yearly blog spruce up

February 07, 2010

I’ve just deployed a few visual changes to my blog which should help with the readability and usability of the material on here. Included is:

  • Increased post font size to make it easier to read.
  • Removed link to technorati, their new beta website seems a bit broken at the moment.
  • Moved the search box to a prime spot at the top left.
  • Social bookmarks with links to most of the common social aggregrator and bookmarking sites: twitter, facebook, delicious etc.
  • Deployed a mobile theme using fantastic wptouch plugin:  check it out on your mobile device, gives a great browsing experience with lots of ajax niceness and slick image resizing.


Please check it out and let me know what you think. Feel free to add any comments on how I can further improve the experience.